
Medico-Legal Awards 2018

November 7, 2018

Medico-Legal Experts Shortlisted For Personal Injury Awards 2018

We are delighted to announce that our medico-legal team has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Personal Injury Awards 2018

The Personal Injury Awards bridge the partisan ‘claimant/defendant divide’ by encompassing all professionals and key service providers working in this field.

Leading Medico-Legal Report Provider

Re:Cognition Health provides a range of medico-legal services including:

  • Expert witness reports and client representation in court
  • Integrated opinion reports where a case requires input from more than one clinician
  • Advanced imaging, including 3T MRI scans, which can reveal abnormalities not present on scans taken at the time of the accident
  • Capacity assessments

Identifying Brain Injury Symptoms

We are proud to deliver leading brain injury services to individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.

Get in touch to learn more about the innovative rehabilitation pathways available at our private brain injury Center in the Harley Street Area

Traumatic Brain Injury Expertise

Having a multi-disciplinary team of experts means we can match the right expert to the right case.

Experts at the Center include: neurologists, neuropsychiatrists, neuroradiologists and neuropsychologists.

What brings the team together is the shared vision to optimise the quality of life for each patient under our care.

Brain Injury Education Services

Education and innovation are key motivators for our experts.

Because of this we regularly present updates on innovative clinical advances in the medico-legal arena.

Our bi-annual conference is a highlight of the year and is open to professionals and members of the public. The next conference will be in October 2019.

Sign-up to be the first to receive updates about the programme!

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